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The inflation rate for the Income game is based on 6% per annum or 0.5% per month.

Cash + holdings - income = actual growth

Trades placed before market close (17:00) will be completed at the closing price on the day that they are placed. Trades placed after market close will be completed at the closing price on the following trading day. Trades will reflect the following business day provided it was placed before (17:00).

Teams must protect their capital against inflation (3% for the duration of the competition). In other words, you need to achieve actual growth from buying and selling shares above R30 000. (R1 000 000 x 3%) and then maximise your income by earning interest on your cash balance and receiving dividends from companies paying out dividends.

The highest growth percentage wins the competition.

Teams must protect their capital against inflation (3% for the duration of the competition). In other words, you need to achieve actual growth from buying and selling shares above R5 000. (R1 000 000 x 3%)/6) and then maximise your income by earning interest on your cash balance and receiving dividends from companies paying out dividends.

The highest growth percentage that month wins the competition.

If a distribution of dividends takes place after the closing date, that distribution will not be credited to the portfolio. In addition, if the declaration of the dividend falls outside the Challenge start date, that dividend will not be paid. If teams buy or sell shares the LDT, dividends will not be credited to the account. To receive dividends, your purchase must take place the day before the LDT.

You can buy Exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

Click on “Trade” at the top of the page bar

  • Click on “Trade Now“
  • Click on either shares/ETFs/ETNs to see the full list.
  • No more than 10% of the portfolio value may be held in any one company in the FTSE/JSE Top40 or ETF/ETN and no more than 5% of the portfolio value may be held in any other companies outside the FTSE/ JSE Top40.

    • If you would like to buy Shares/ETFs/ETNs, click “Trade”, then “Trade Now” at the top.
    • You then have an option to filter by instrument type by clicking on either Shares/ETFs/ETNs depending on which game you playing.
    • You then have an option to filter it further by Industry/Subsector if it’s Equities
    • Once you found the company you want to buy, select it and it takes you to the order page.
    • All you then need to do is enter the number of shares you want to purchase and click “Place Buy Order”.
    • You screen will then display “Order Placed”, which is confirmation your order has gone through.

    • Click “Portfolio” at the top of the page bar.
    • Click “Trade”.
    • Click “Sell”.
    • Enter the number of shares you want to sell.
    • Click “Place Sell Order”.
    • You screen will then display “Order Placed”, which is confirmation your order has gone through.

    • Check your available balance in the top right hand corner.
    • Depending on which game you playing, you will subtract
    • R400 000 from the available balance if you are playing the Income Game
    • R250 000 from the available balance if you are playing the Equity Game
    • R0 from the available balance if you are playing the Speculator Game
    • R0 from the available balance if you are playing the ETF/ETN Game
    • The result will be the amount you can spend. However, you can’t spend more than 10% of the portfolio value may be held in any one company in the FTSE/JSE Top40 or ETF/ETN and no more than 5% of the portfolio value may be held any warrants or other companies outside the FTSE/ JSE Top40 in Equity or the Speculator Game and ETF/ETN Game. For the Income Game, you can’t spend more than 20% of the portfolio value may be held in any one company in the FTSE/JSE Top40.
    • Take the amount you want to spend on a company and divide by the share price in rands. (Always remember to convert the share price in cents to rands for instance 35940c = R359.40).

    Teams will only be permitted to purchase or sell securities equivalent to 5% (five per cent) of the actual number of securities traded on the JSE during any Trading Day. Any orders that exceed this limitation will be only partially filled. If no securities are traded on that trading day, the order will be automatically rejected. Trades not executed for any reason at the end of the day for which the trade was requested, will be cancelled.

    An account may be suspended if the JSE has not received the proof of payment by email or the team has not paid the entry fee of R100.00 within 30 (thirty) days of registering. To be reinstated, your team should send proof of payment to [email protected].

    Only for shares. This means that Exchange Traded Funds are excluded.

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