Invest. Learn. Grow.

Registration for 2024 is now open!

You are one step closer to learning about the exciting world of finance and investment and one giant leap closer to understanding the dynamics of the JSE. We are proud to be catalysts of this worthy initiative and look forward to learners throughout South Africa excelling and discovering their potential through participation in the JSE investment challenge. This is truly a game without boundaries, whether cultural or economic.

Welcome from our CEO


1NMBUHSTradersR1 151 839,00 15,18% NMBUHSTraders
R1 151 839 15,2%
2MW-The Quad SquadR1 144 034,00 14,40% MW-The Quad Squad
R1 144 034 14,4%
3TT - GRADE 9A NORTH GROUP 6R1 138 336,00 13,83% TT - GRADE 9A NORTH GROUP 6
R1 138 336 13,8%
4TT - GRADE 9A NORTH GROUP 5R1 135 451,00 13,55% TT - GRADE 9A NORTH GROUP 5
R1 135 451 13,5%
5SVWO - Mzanzi Moela MakersR1 132 836,00 13,28% SVWO - Mzanzi Moela Makers
R1 132 836 13,3%
6UKZN CLMS R1 132 208,00 13,22% UKZN CLMS
R1 132 208 13,2%
7Dollar signR1 131 741,00 13,17% Dollar sign
R1 131 741 13,2%